" He enunciates a poetics of madness and joy, of celebration and realization -- and the words seem to dance from him. Everything becomes a work of poetical art, very political in its sense of the power and magic of language."
- Ricardo Sanchez
Larry Goodell Books Still Available
Cinco Puntos Press and La Alameda Press
CYCLES, the poet's first book, edited by William (Latif) Harris - careful mimeo with folded loop poem set in, signed - duende press 1966.
OUT OF SECRECY, Yoo-Hoo Press 1992, 24 pages, with "Waste Isolation Pilot Protest" drawing and cut-up poem as centerpiece - OP - $35 signed
The Larry Goodell / Duende Archive
bountiful information here concerning this collection now assessible at the Beinecke
Library at Yale University.
click on Firecracker or Here On Earth covers for information.
60's & 70's Authentic Nostalgia
3 Interviews I did with some of the founders of the Thunderbird Bar in Placitas bringing to life the late 60's and early 70's here.